时间:2015-05-08 00:00 浏览数:次 来源:
| 科研成果
| [1] International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering(EI期刊),Sentiment Analysis on News Comments Based on Supervised Learning Method,Yan Zhao, Suyu Dong and Leixiao Li , 2014, 9(7): 333-346. (已发表) (EI检索编号:20143218043361)
[2] computer modelling & new technologies(EI期刊),Chinese sentiment analysis for commodity price level fluctuation news comments,Yan Zhao, Suyu Dong, Jing Yang, 2014 18(9) 167-176 . (已发表) (EI检索编号:20150500473767)
[3] computer modelling & new technologies(EI期刊),The research for effect of aspects extraction of Chinese commodity comments on supervised learning methods,Yan Zhao, Suyu Dong, Hua Yang, Jing Yang, 2014 18(12) 1211-1218. (已发表) .
[4] International Journal of Smart Home(EI期刊),Effect research of aspects extraction for Chinese hotel reviews based on machine learning method[J],Yan Zhao, Suyu Dong, Jing Yang, (已录用) .
[5] 网络舆情文本处理与情感分析系统:NLcone V1.0, 著作权人:英国威廉希尔唯一官网;赵岩;董素宇;杨菁, 登记日期: 2014-08-04, 登记号: 2014SR111694.
| [1]科技管理研究(CSSCI/中文核心),乳品供应链效率测度研究,刘俊华,李燕霞,2014,22
[3] International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications(EI检索会议),Empirical Study of Generalized two stage DEA Model Framework Inputs and Outputs,Liu junhua,Li yanxia,2014,3
[6] 无锡商业职业技术学院学报(一般期刊),基于模糊测度和数据包络的乳品物流集成能力分析,刘俊华,李燕霞2014,3